Kate will compare the two and discover that there's supposed to be a pin where the hole is in the key. Turn the pages until you find a picture of the same key, then open your inventory and select the key, then select the image. Hold to pick up and move objects aside until you find a red pamphlet, a Brochure. Kate will automatically open the drawer in his desk. Go back into his office (don't worry, he won't come in and catch you snooping around). Mangoling will now be walking around the main area.

Go back to Anton and Leon and speak to them again to get You'll discover that the key has been deliberately sabotaged. Look for a hole in the body of the key and interact with it. When he leaves, open your inventory back up and examine the key. Kate will attempt to unlock the elevator doors, but they still won't open. Move between each nob on the key, then hold down and do your best to match them. The key has several "tentacles" which you must match to the shapes in the key slot. Press the interact point on it and then open your inventory. Talk to them before you try to use the key Mangoling gave you so you don't miss out on the Friends for life achievement.

Don't make the same mistake I did and assume the "Exit" option ends the conversation. MISSABLE ACHIEVEMENT WARNING: Go through the blue gate I mentioned before and speak to Anton and Leon, the two gentlemen sitting at the table, and make sure you exhaust all conversation options. After a humorous cutscene ("Turn around!") Kate will get dressed and you can leave the room. Go around his desk and to the cabinet behind it, then open the drawer by holding and pulling down.
#Syberia 1 walkthrough how to
He'll give you a Key to the Exit and the second test: you need to figure out how to use it to leave the floor, which will prove you are "cured". Mangoling will release you from your restraints and allow you to get dressed. Do this with every option in the whole conversation before you answer to get Hold down and then select an option to hear Kate's thoughts. You'll know if you're in one of those conversations if you see a lightbulb beside each option, and a flashing set of three dots (.) in the center. Certain conversations will provide an opportunity for you to hear Kate's thoughts about how she should answer. Personally I got it much later on in the story. Don't worry if you miss it here, you'll have a couple other chances to get it or you're early enough in the story that you can start over. This is your earliest chance to unlock Time to collect your thoughts. He uses a lie detector, which gives you an opportunity to unlock two more, missable achievements. Mangoling, who will subject you to a bizarre interrogation in order to assess whether you have recovered and can be released. There's a door next to it with a lamp above it. Go around the outer room and look for a palm tree in a boxed garden next to an open blue gate. Look at it again, and turn the camera to the right side of the box. There's a call button next to the door, but it's not working. Move over to the door on the left and try to open it. Once you've done so, Kate will want to leave. Exhaust all of the conversation options with him to learn a bit of background. You'll wake up in the clinic and meet Kurk, the young guide of the Youkol people who's waiting for a prosthetic leg.
#Syberia 1 walkthrough full
Prepare yourself to get sick of hearing Kate Walker's and Olga Efimova's full names every time someone mentions them. You'll also be introduced to Olga Efimova, the nefarious doctor in charge of the clinic, and a colonel who wants her to keep Kate in the clinic. They help her get better and then bring her to a clinic in the nearby town of Valsembor, where she can receive proper care. She is picked up and saved by the Youkols, a nomadic tribe she met in the previous game.

The game starts with a cutscene (as most do) showing you how Kate was found nearly frozen to death after leaving Syberia.